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Independent Studies ( Grades 2-8 )

The students will be given project topics to choose from such as, Architecture, symbolism, opposites and so on. Based on these topics students will choose how they want to represent their ideas and what references they will need to do so.

The teachers will individually discuss with students about their ideas and help them form an understandable and balanced composition. This class will use multiple media such as oil pastels, color pencils, charcoal, watercolor, tempera paint, and for more advanced students, acrylic paint.

The teacher will help guide their students to use the best usage of the materials based upon the students needs and ideas. This class is a wide range of ages and skill levels, but is focused on learning independence and freedom of creation.

  • Color pencils, oil pastel, charcoal, conte crayon, watercolor, tempera paint, acrylic paint, sharpie markers, sketch paper, watercolor paper, pencils and erasers.

  • Independence
  • Decision making
  • Reference research
  • Technical growth
  • 1 on 1 discussion
  • Creative understanding
  • Concept Building

  • During and through this class we aim that students gain the ability to work independently and make creative choices in their artwork. We work toward having each student create individual fully developed completed artworks. This class's goal is to further each students's creative understanding, material knowledge, and technical skill.
